Monday, February 14, 2011

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

I find self portraits to be one of the least interesting projects for me. Since it's my birthday week though, I thought I would share some of the self portraits I had put a lot of work into for school. This one is obviously an abstract self portrait. It's about me waking up in the morning after the boggle of dreams I have. The past four or five months I wake up with thoughts about "what is art?" I don't know why my mind finds this to be such a relevant subject of conversation.

For me, I would generalize art down to a form of communication. For me, the interesting subject is what role does this communication play with in a communal context. Although this is interesting, I enjoy working impulsively, and letting me work just come out on an internal level a lot of time, such as in this case.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

artoon lines
and curious shapes