Thursday, September 27, 2012

Forward Thinking for Life

Forward Thinking for Life

Future Smart (phone) Shopper


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Josh Gibson Field

josh gibson mural

josh gibson dug out

Last weekend I worked on a mural with several other artists through the MLK project, putting images up in the dug outs of Josh Gibson field in the Hill District of Pittsburgh. It was really rainy on Saturday and were able to get one coat of paint, the dug out I worked in was the only one that wasn't gated, so we were a little bit behind painting over all of the sharpie marker. Sunday I had about four hours to get this image up. The best part of the day was when two little girls showed up and I let them help me, one of them asked me if we could paint over all of the curse words around the park. Some boys showed up not realizing we were working there, one of them described it as "hard," (not in the sense that it was difficult but as in good) and another said "It's over".

Wikipedia Page of Josh Gibson Field